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Prairie Asatru is THE leading force of Asatru in the Dakotas today. We have been hosting events here since 2013. Prairie Asatru is an outgrowth of the Ulfhednar Clan; as our kindred grew into something larger we realized it was time to become something more than just a kindred, it was time to become a community. We are the face and the voice of Asatru in North and South Dakota. The Dakotas are our home; many of us are descended from the original European folk who settled these beautiful prairies. We are descended from the brave souls who carved a future out of an unknown, untamed land. We are today again carving a future out of these lands for the generations to come after us. We have come to realize that together we can achieve far more than we can ever hope to alone. We have come together and forged a family.
In late 2020 we entered into a purchase agreement for a piece of land and several buildings that we have turned into a dedicated ritual area and have plans to build a large hall or hof for our local folk. At that point in 2020 Prairie Asatru was born. We had grown beyond being just a kindred. We had lain the foundations of a real and true community here. We had put down roots in this land tamed by our Ancestors. Now we have a very real focal point for our local folk to rally around, we now have a place where the next generation can grow up honoring their ancestral Gods along side their parents.
We have created a training program for our Gothar based solidly in the lore of our Ancestors but with a strong balance of practical skills and ritual performance. Our gothar will be knowledgeable in the lore, able to lead our holy Blotar and the rituals pertaining to one's life changes, while also being trained in the basics of counseling for those of our folk who find themselves in a rough time or place in their life. Our Gothar will be ordained and legally recognized so as to be able to perform weddings and any other needs of our folk. Our program is roughly 18-24 months of study, training, and such our program is reserved for those of our local community that have proven their dedication to what we are creating and shown their willingness and ability to help grow our folk.
We are operating a prison outreach for men and women who find themselves in prison, but are striving to turn their lives around. Men and women who take responsibility for their mistakes and now want to live by the ways of their ancestors. A newsletter, "THE WOLF's HOWL" is going out 4 times a year to help educate these inquisitive potential members of our community. This will be an ongoing venture and each person, once they leave prison, will be screened and vetted. And, after a waiting period that allows them to adjust to life in the free world again, they may be allowed to attend our events. The safety and protection of our families and children takes priority over any other considerations.
We at Prairie Asatru are committed to creating a viable community of independent kindreds and tru folk across the Dakotas, Nebraska, Iowa, Montana, Wyoming, Minnesota and beyond. A community of men and women united for the purpose of honoring our Gods and creating a future for the generations of Asatruar here that will come after we are gone.
As time passes and the years go by we have continued to grow, both numerically, and intellectually, our tribe has grown from a few people gathering in a park around a picnic table to enough people to fill a campground. We are new families; maidens and crones.....children and grandparents; graybeards and untried youth......and everything in between.
We are Prairie Asatru!
If you would like to know more about us or to attend our gatherings please feel free to get in touch

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