The reality for us today is we are piecing back together a link to our ancestral folkways that's been severed for at least a thousand years.
Many of our folk today, even those treading our reborn path, are "broken" people. I don't say that as a criticism, more as an observation. We know what we need, we know what we want, but how to get to that goal eludes us. Our spark of Divinity, that connection to our Gods and Ancestors has dimmed quite a bit from 999 AD.
We have lived under a religious dogma that in many ways stunted our holy nature and left us in a spiritual morass.
Men want to again be warriors, they want to defend their women, to be role models for their sons.... They want to be the proud noble beings our lore tells us they once were.
Women want to be wives and mothers, and proudly bear the future of our folk.
And yet we were raised and are surrounded by a message that tells us to do otherwise. We are bombarded daily with some false idea of an equality that doesn't exist. We are taught the very opposite of what our lore tells us.
We, the proud and noble few that we are, need to close our eyes and ears to the lies of a degenerate society and return to the values of our Ancestors. Let society continue on its crash course to mediocrity and nothingness...
But let us again become a proud folk. A community of men who are role models for their sons and women who are role models for their daughters. A noble working towards a noble future.
Let us become again a people who are inspired by the Divine that is all around us. Let us again walk with the Gods by our side as strong, proud, and Tru men and women!